It turns out Dr. Whitman will be Edmund's doctor again next week. She was his doctor the first week and was ever so wonderful and sweet, so we're excited to be working with her again.
Edmund is up to 80ml of food every 3 hours, which has got to be close to his full amount. (30ml is an ounce). He's now off all fluids and last night got the picline out of his head!!! Now the only thing actually still going inside his body is his feeding tube. He's doing better and better taking his 15ml from the bottle, so we're making headway. All he's got to do is be eating on his own and gaining weight. Then we'll be golden:) It sounds like perhaps Dr. Whitman has other ideas of the best way to this end, so we'll wait until tomorrow to see what the plan is. All I know is that we're getting great care, and I'm confident everyone here is working as best as they can toward the same end of getting him strong enough to go home with us:)
Dennis, Heidi, and Edmund
Writing from Mayo Clinic Hospital. I hope all continues to go well with Edmund. Spending time with Shailin this week reminds me that God truly is control of our lives. I pray that Edmund will go home soon and you will find the right care you desire in doctors.
Luv LeAnna
I have been trying to get to your blog and send you a message for quite some time! My husband works at Interactive Intelligence and sent me the link. To make a long story short, our youngest son was a preemie and spent about 7 months in St. Vincent NICU. I would love to talk with you! As I read your posts the memories and emotions are so strong! Please feel free to email me at I have a pediatrician recommendation and also PT. I would be happy to talk with you. Hope you get home soon. You are all in my prayers!
Carol Roaten
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