What is your dream? (think of George and Lennis') What are you willing to put up with to make sure it happens? (think of Curly... would you put up with a guy like that... we just barely met him in the book but he doens't sound fun.)
make sure they you sign at least your first name . DUE FRIDAY BEFORE WORKSHOP
i want to work with sealife and spend my time relaxing on the ocean. im willing to work my hardest in college and do my best to get the career i want
Porter says- My dream is to become a RN(a pediatric nurse) at Riley Hospital. I wont let anybody stand in my way. I will not let anything keep me from acheiving my goal.
My dream is to become a successful geriatric nurse and close to perfect mom . I would put up with a guy like curly to the best of my ability to make it to my dream . Plus, you will always have guys like Curly trying to stand in your way and keep you down.
-Breonna Parham
I would put up with a guy like Curley the best way that i could. I strongly believe in not running from things that approach you, but my dream is to just be very successful and make a difference in the world. I want to be a lawyer becuase i like to argue, and make other people think about what they are saying plus im good at proving my point even if my point is wrongs im good a persuading people. WS
YeLLOw KT: mi dream is to go to college and get mi own tattoo shop. but if i have to but up with some one i will but then again i mite leave an find some where else to work to get to mi dream. i wont. give up though.....
My dream is making more money at a easy job, and helping my family
my dream is to go to college &&major in pyschology/sociology. i want to pursue my dream job; which involves me working with younger children. i would do anything and go to any length to make sure that my dream comes true. there isnt anything or anyone that can get in the way of my dream. the only person stopping me from making my dream a reality is MYSELF...!
my dream is to make money the way i love and to be a good person in life when i get older and to stay wit the girl im wit fo a long time lol
I have already taken my dream my dream was to work in one of the biggest custom shops in indiana and i worked in the 2nd biggest but it was great and i worked my ass off to get there curly in the book is just like jaymie. Jaymie was the same way just a major d*ck head. thinkin he was top dog of the shop even though he wasnt anything that made the shop work.
My dream is to become a child pyschologist because I have always wanted to work with children. In order for me to become as successful as i want to be, would for me to get my PHD. I will do anything in my power to reach that goal.
I want to graduate and go to college. I then want to go to law school.
Candyce- My dream is to become the best hair stylist, move to Atlanta own my own beauty shop, and make millions!
my dream is to become a cardio nurse and work my way to the top of the cadio department. plus make a living for me and my son.
my dream is to be a chef in my own restaurant and run a club.
My dream is just to be happyand content with whatever I decide to do in life. I guess basically saying, not NEEDING a thing. Now WANTING is one thing, but NEEDING is another. Either way it goes, your going to go through persecution. There will always be obstacles, trials, and tribulations when you're desiring and/or striving for something. So to answer your question, I am willing to put up with a helluva for my dream to become a reality. .... And as far as Curly, I'd have to keep my distance from him!
Sorry to hide behind my name, I just wanted to answer your question about "My Dream" It really is my dream to have all children vacinnated and to stop senseless deaths like the ones in California from Whooping Cough. Whooping cough!?!?!?!?!? Can you beleive it, babies have died from that in this modern era.....shameful...people really need to be ashamed of themselves.....But it appears "my dream" to keep all children safe is not important enough to post on your blog....
My dream is to live in a country where people actually do research on medical care and understand what they're talking about. I wish we lived in a country where people valued nursing over profits and immunities could be passed on naturally to our children, not to mention the TONS of other benefits. But I don't. Last of the louis posts until louis has a profile. thanks louis.
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